The Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC) is a resource we use regularly with appreciation. Utilizing your local Avalanche institute is a critical component to safe backcountry travel. Supporting this organization is a crucial part of their ability to provide knowledge and up to date snow information for all snow travelers. With that said and without hesitation we hopped in the bucket and happily took a road trip to Breckenridge Colorado to partake in the 2014 CAIC Annual Benefit Bash. Sharing our Voormi story with the local die-hard backcountry travelers was simply rad; supporting the CAIC was a pleasure. Solid people raised a grip of money for an excellent cause. We laughed, we danced, we got educated. Shoot, Kissle even took the opportunity to test out the Mammut Avalanche Bag...on stage...with the band performing. When in doubt, pull the cord and dance it out!